The body is the purest, most potent tool we have for communicating
— Esther Perel

Womb Blessing & Cycle Awareness

“..the menstrual cycle is the stress sensitive system in women. So think of menstrual symptoms as an early warning sign for your overall health.” – Alexandra Pope, “The Wild Genie”

The rite of the Womb is a very powerful loving energy transmission that will restore the natural balance of your creative centre. The Rite of the Womb is a blessing of the Womb, our sacred place of creation.

Many women are still carrying the pain and resentment of their mothers, grandmothers and female ancestors. Some feel the wounds of a past life or had traumatic experiences in this lifetime that block their joy and happiness and prevent them from connecting with their feminine power. The healing energy of this blessing will reactivate your feminine power.

The feminine spirit of the jungle reminds us of this simple and vital truth:

The womb is not a place to store fear and pain;
The womb is to create and give birth to life.

This lineage of women, has given us the 13th rite of the Munay-Ki: The Rite of the Womb. Once you receive it, you share it with as many women as possible.

Let’s heal our womb; let’s heal our mother’s, sister’s, and daughter’s wombs. And in this way bring healing to our Mother Earth.

Available 1:1 or Women’s Circle
Facilitated In-Person & Online

Kundalini & Yin Yoga

These practices aim to deeply connect us to our Self, to Mother Nature’s rhythms, to deep listening. Kundalini Yoga is called the Yoga of Awareness. It is a dynamic, powerful tool that is designed to give you an experience of your soul.

The practice of kriyas and meditations in Kundalini Yoga are designed to raise complete body awareness to prepare the body, nervous system, and mind to handle the energy of Kundalini rising.

Yogic lifestyle, with its exercises and breathing techniques help us in balancing stress periods with deep relaxation and coming into contact with the ancestral nature of the female cycle.

Yin Yoga is a gentle approach combined with a slow pace, which requires little muscle engagement, unlike other styles of Yoga, which helps develop physical relaxation and introspection. During this practice, long held stretch are applied passively. Maintained postures can last up to 5 minutes or more

Yoga Nidra

In modern times, yoganidrā is generally understood to be a specific type of guided meditation performed in a supine position.

During the practice of yoga nidra, one appears to be asleep, but the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness. For this reason, yoga nidra is often referred to as psychic sleep or deep relaxation with inner awareness.

Yoga Nidra can be a successful therapy to overcome the psychiatric morbidity associated with menstrual irregularities. I offer bespoke Nidra to support you in connecting deeply with subconscious beliefs and programs to align with your highest heart.